léa responsable e-commerce Gaïatrend
léa responsable e-commerce Gaïatrend


As you know, at Gaïatrend we believe in transparency and we want to share with you what goes on behind the scenes. We are introducing you to some of the people who make Gaïatrend what it is today – a warm-hearted, dynamic company.

What are your tasks?
I am in charge of despatching goods to our customers. Vapers who are fans of ALFALIQUID! On an everyday basis, my team and I look after preparing packages for one-off actions such as sending-off samples to prospective customers, boxes of our new lines to customers, advertising articles and POS advertising. Dear Vapers, I’m the one who places your orders!

In your opinion, what is your best asset?
I am serene, calm and determined. That means I stay on top even when things get a bet hectic.

Your passion?
Equestrian competitions – a discipline that requires great self-control and keeping your cool. I try and apply these notions in every aspect of my life – including what I do in the company!

ALFALIQUID in 3 words?
Very subtle liquids

In your opinion, what does ALFALIQUID contribute to vaping?
Excellence in terms of vaping as stated by our signature and demonstrated by the quality of our liquids.

Do you have a favourite creation? Pink Pulps!

Anything to add?
I am really proud to be part of the Gaïatrend group – it’s a great adventure!
