gaiatrend vaporfair
gaiatrend vaporfair


For the second year in a row, our teams rallied round to take part in the Great Event of the year for German vaping: the Vaporfair trade fair.

#TeamALFA therefore returned to the Frankfurt Trade Fair Centre on 15, 16 and 17 April 2016 for this key event where half the fair is devoted to the world of vaping. The exhibition days were divided as follows. Day 1 was devoted to professionals in the sector and the other 2 days were open to the general public.

For this first trade fair in the German season, our teams were thinking big with a large stand (C34) covering 36m², stripped down and then re-decorated with great taste at the very entrance of the fair where it quite simply could not be missed!

As we are direct neighbours of Germany and located near the border to boot, it was inconceivable that our teams should miss this vaping event. We are gradually building up our Export Department, created just a few months ago, and a sales representative focusing on Germany will soon be on board. So we just had to be at VaporFair.

#TeamALFA is pulling out all the stops to make sure our brand, Alfaliquid, becomes popular beyond our borders.
